The following companies are some of our clients; they have a long standing relationship with us.
Civil Defense & Security
- Directorate of Army Mapping & Surveys, Nigeria
- Nigeria Navy Hydrographic Department, Lagos
Financial Institution
- Stanbic IBTC - WEB GIS Application in Banking (GIS Technical Training)
Higher Institutions
- Survey & Geoinformatics Dept.,
- University of Lagos & Abia State Polytechnic
Government Ministries
- Surveyors of Council of Nigeria
- Ministry of Land and Survey, Maiduguri
- Ministry of Land and Survey, Kano
- Ministry of and Land and Survey Jos.
- Nigerian Communication Commission.
- Lagos Ministry of Science & Technology.
- Lagos Ministry of Agriculture.
- Abuja Geographical Information System(AGIS).
- Lagos State office of the Surveyor General.
Real Estate and Engineering
- Property Mart Real Estate Investment.
- Lekki Realty Estate Limited, Lagos, Nigeria - Survey Software Solution.
- Geographic Data Analysis & Services(GEDAS)- WEB GIS Application.
International Agencies
- Uk Department for Foreign Development (UKDFID)
- Adam Smith International.